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Stories from Westminster, Terry Crow

If someone I didn’t know asked me to explain what generosity meant and whether or not I thought myself to be a generous person, I would have to stop and consider the questions posed. My first step would be to examine how I have been shaped over the years and learned about generosity. The most influential people who have provided the building blocks that comprise my generosity foundation include my mom and dad, grandparents, two dear Aunts, countless close friends, immediate family members, and of course other Christians. In addition, I have benefitted from the generosity of a few acquaintances whose generous acts during troubled times helped me in ways I can never repay. Also of great importance, my generosity foundation has been built on truths found in the Bible that reveal what generosity is and how Christ points the way to what it really means to live a life filled with graciousness, unselfishness, kindness, and love.

In response to my opening question “What is generosity?”, I believe at the heart of generosity is a willingness to go beyond what is expected in thought (generous thinking), actions, and service to others, which is the example set by Christ. When I follow that model of generosity, I have discovered I feel closer to Christ and more connected to others. I have learned that little acts of generosity make a significant difference, whether that is in giving time, money, or talents.

When I moved back to Waynesboro six years ago, I started looking for a church home right away. I loved the church I had left behind in Knoxville, Tennessee (also named Westminster Presbyterian Church) and was wondering how I would be able to find another church family like the one I had been blessed with in Knoxville. After visiting many other churches in the area, I attended the worship service at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Immediately, I was struck by the hospitality and graciousness of the wonderful people in the congregation, engaged by the words offered by Pastor April, and enriched by the music ministry.

I believe these are strengths of WPC—hospitality and graciousness of the congregation, a vibrant music ministry, and meaningful worship. WPC felt like home to me, and unlike some of the other churches I attended, I felt as if I had been “seen”. This was confirmed by the fact that I was contacted by multiple people after my WPC visit who let me know they were glad I had visited and asked how they could help me in my transition to Waynesboro. I joined the church soon after that. During my six plus years at WPC, I have learned we have other areas in which we excel, such as service to others in the community (and beyond) and our youth ministry.

Each year, I make a financial commitment to the church so I can participate in the work Christ calls us to do in carrying the good news to others and in bringing about God’s kingdom here on Earth. I have been faithful in financial giving every year, even during the years I was unemployed. I find that I personally benefit from giving, at least as much as those churches to which I give, because I feel like I am doing my part to make this world a better place. I am grateful for the opportunity to give to this church.

My hope for WPC going forward is that we will continue to seek God’s direction for our church and proceed with boldness to carry it out. Our church has undergone much change over the past years which has necessitated that we move out of our comfort zones. I hope we will continue to get “comfortable” with being “uncomfortable” because that is often where opportunity lies and is required to fulfill God’s call for us. Going through change is challenging, so I pray we continue to listen to the Lord and love each other. If we do this, our future will continue to be bright.

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