Fellowship Ministry at Westminster
Meals, banquets, and fellowship over food have long been a part of the church. It's even biblical—think of Jesus extending the wedding at Cana by changing water to wine, or feeding the 5000 with just a few loaves and fish...even the promised banquet we will one day share with our heavenly Father. Being "at table" is a big part of who we are!
Women’s Social Group
Join the Westminster Women at Stella, Bella, and Lucy's Restaurant for monthly gatherings for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and faith sharing. If you would like to attend, please contact Phyllis Gorscuh.
Men’s Group
Join the Westminster Men as they gather monthly for fellowship, mission and ministry. If you would like to join the group or have questions, please contact co-leaders; Ed Crawford and Ed Glover.

Tables of Eight Ministry
Join our Tables of Eight Ministry at Westminster. Each year, members sign up for the table ministry and then are compiled into table groups with a mixture of singles/couples. Throughout the year, table groups enjoy four meals at one another's homes. If you are interested in joining a table group, please contact Matt or Alina Mckibben.

Christmas Dinner
Join us each year for our annual Christmas Dinner. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy table fellowship with friends at Westminster. After dinner, experience the Christmas story through a variety of ways from a bell concert to a children's pageant.
Easter Brunch
Join us on Easter mornings in celebration of our risen Lord through worship and table fellowship. Our Easter Brunch takes place in the social hall. Bring your favorite breakfast dish and enjoy time around the table prior to worship.