Special Services
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Christmas Eve is a holy night as we gather with family and friends to hear the Christmas story. We enjoy special music, a children's message, meditation and watch how the light of Christ is passed from one candle to the next illuminating a dark sanctuary and chapel. We remind families that nursery is not available during the service as encourage families to worship together on this special night.
Candlelight Service at 7 pm in Sanctuary
Candlelight & Communion Service in Chapel at 11 pm
Easter Sunrise Service
Since 2014, we begin Easter Sunday with a sunrise service on the Blue Ridge Parkway with our brothers and sisters from Basic United Methodist Church. Ride the Westminster bus or drive your car. Take exit 99 off of I-64. Turn right onto the Parkway. Left at the first overlook.
Easter Sunrise worship begins between 6:00 to 6:30 a.m. (depending on when the sun rises) on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Maundy Thursday Service
During Holy week, we offer a Maundy Thursday service with communion. This service often will include a variety of music, drama and lay leadership as we unfold the story of the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples and the new commandment Jesus gives to his disciples to love one another.
Maunday Thursday Worship at 7 pm in Sanctuary with communion
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season in the church year known as Lent. Lent is a time to prepare for the celebration of Easter and to renew our life in the mystery of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We begin our journey to Easter with the sign of ashes placed on our foreheads, a biblical symbol of mourning and penitence. This ancient sign speaks of the fragility of human life, and marks the penitence of the community of faith.
Ash Wednesday Worship at 6pm in the Chapel with the Imposition of Ashes
Family Fun Weekend Outdoor Service
The last Sunday in August we conclude our Family Fun Weekend with worship outside in the courtyard. Enjoy time with the church family from Friday evening to Sunday morning as we learn, fellowship and worship. Join the church family for a potluck breakfast before the service in our social hall at 9 a.m.
Outdoor Worship Service at 10 a.m. in courtyard.