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Christian Growth for Children (0-10 years)
Families will find a wide variety of ways to involve their children in the life of Westminster.
Kids will love Sunday school each week, learning the wonderful stories in the Bible through crafts, storytelling, and other activities.
During each worship service a children's time offers a faith message given to and for children. Following the children's time, kids who are in preschool through second grade may attend children's church which includes Bible stories, crafts, and games.
Sunday School Classes & Teachers:
(9:30 am, Sundays)
Pre-K to 2nd Grade - Room #4
Led by Ed Glover, Katrina Crawford & Debbie Mynes
3rd - 5th Grades - Room #7
Led by Angela Wright, Katrina Crawford & Debbie Mynes
Both services offer a nursery for children who are under four years old. A paid Nursery Attendant is on staff to greet parents and children each week and to provide a consistent face for children when they come to church. The nursery uses a check in system where each child receives a sticker to wear during their time in the nursery. A sticker with the same number is given to parents that must be presented at time of pick up.
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