Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Please refer to this brochure for information on planned giving.
Make a Pledge
For Westminster to further the ministry and mission of the church, it is essential for those who are connected to the church to support the work done at the church through financial offerings. Each fall, the commitment ministry encourages the church to pray and complete an estimate of giving card. A pledge is one way members and friends of Westminster answer the call to support the general budget of the church.
Download an Estimate of Giving Card or Make your pledge online through Realm.
Give During Worship
During each worship service, the offering is a time to present our time, skills and treasures. First, when the basket or plate passes in front of you, imagine stepping into the plate/basket offering the very best of yourself to God in the coming week through time and skills. Then consider a financial offering of cash, check or envelope. If you prefer to give online, please continue reading.
Give online through Realm
Realm is the church software that holds our directory, manages small groups and offers online giving to members and guests. A guest can give online without having a login: click here for a link to our online giving. If you attend Westminster and would like access to Realm, please contact the communications assistant for an invitation to be sent to you via email.
Realm is a simple way to maintain consistent giving to the church. When you visit family over the weekend, forget your checkbook in the car or use your last dollar at the store, the Realm App is readily available on your mobile device. Give before, during or after a worship service. Or you can schedule your giving to occur weekly, monthly or annually. We do encourage all friends of Westminster who give online to pay the recommended processing fees which allows 100% of the donation to move forward Westminster's ministry and mission to the church and the world.
Click this link to have our finance elder, Matthew Rider walk you through how to give online through Realm.
Mail a check
You may also mail your offering to the church.
Please address the envelope to:
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Attn: Finance Assistant
1904 Mt. Vernon St
Waynesboro, VA 22980
Text Giving
Text ‘freelygive’ to 73256