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Westminster's Ongoing Mission Work

Serving God in the Church and the World

Westminster has many ways to serve with your gifts and talents for mission and witness in the world as a community of faith. Our Witness Ministry supports various missions outside the walls of the church along with welcoming visitors to Westminster.  Read more below on various ways to serve both God and neighbor.

Summerlee Mission

Each year since 1986, Shenandoah Valley churches in Virginia have been serving together to love God and love others as the body of Christ in Fayette County, West Virginia.  Over the years, Westminster has organized the trip from seeking out worksites to collecting money from churches and individuals in support of the mission.

Participants who are 12 years and older can serve on a variety of crews such as; work crews, paint crew, trash crew, kitchen crew and kid crew. Adults and teens provide rehab to homes which may include; plumbing, painting, electrical, dry wall, siding, decks, wheel chair ramps etc.

In 2013, the Kid Crew was added to the Summerlee Mission offering mission opportunities for the whole family to serve in West Virginia.  During the week, children, youth and adults serve on the Kid Crew with their hands and hearts by visiting group homes, nursing homes, food banks, etc in the morning, eating at work sites where their parents are serving for lunch and swimming in the afternoon. If you would like to learn more about Summerlee Mission contact Curtis Foltz via the church office.

Visit Summerlee Website


Blessing Box

Westminster has a birthday to celebrate!  Its Blessing Box outreach project is one year old on November 9th, 2020. The Blessing Box was planned, managed, built, and installed by a Westminster Eagle Scout Ben Miller.  

Members have shared in this mission by providing canned food and personal hygiene items throughout the year. Please consider this when doing your grocery shopping.  Other things that can be included in Westminster’s Blessing Box are new or used clothing such as jeans, sweatshirts, socks, etc. In addition, personal hygiene items like toothpaste, hand soap, toothbrush, and shampoo are welcome. With winter coming soon, warm clothing, i.e. hats, gloves, and scarves, can also be donated.

The public in need will have access to the items via the Blessing Box, year-round and completely free. 

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Scouts BSA Troop 73

Boy Scout Troop 73 has been chartered by Westminster for over 50 years, with some of its original scouts still attending church here.  This active troop meets every Monday evening at Westminster throughout the year.  Boys of middle school and high school age lead each other in “patrols” to coordinate camp outs and other activities, along with rank advancement and community service projects. Contact Julia Luedtke via the church office for more information about Boy Scouts. Click here to View Troop 73 Website

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Cub Scout Pack 73

Westminster has been chartering Cub Scout Pack 73 for roughly 40 years.  Elementary school-aged children meet as a “pack” on the first Monday of each month, as well as several times monthly in their respective smaller group “dens,” where they work with adult leaders and scouts their own age in earning various ranks and awards.  Contact Julia Luedtke via the church office for more information about Cub Scouts.


Girl Scout Troop 349

The girls are actively involved in aiding their community while also enjoying learning new skills. They earn badges based on their interests as well as those that are important for their overall growth.

Girl Scout Troop 7193

Troop 7193 is very excited to have their Girl Scout meetings at Westminster Presbyterian Church!  Our troop consists of kindergarteners to 3rd graders.  We are just getting established as a troop so we are learning all we can through the Girl Scouts.  We strive to be shining examples of the Girl Scout Promise and Law.  Also we plan to have fun and make lifelong friends!

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Room at the WARM Ruth’s House

In early 2014, WARM began providing temporary shelter to homeless women with children who desire the opportunity to gain self-sufficiency and long-term stability. Ruth’s WARM House offers cost-free family oriented shelter for up to 7 families at one time. The program provides the support system and structure necessary for each family to regain their stability. Some of the supports include minimal transportation, meals (as available), community referrals, basic amenities, mentors, parenting classes, life skills training, financial management, and other training that assist in their transition from homelessness to a future of  hope. Families may participate in the program for up to six months but may transition out of residential services as early as one to two months.Westminster Presbyterian Church has co-sponsored a room at the Ruth’s Warm House since 2015 to provide a place to call home for mothers and their children during this transition in their life.  For more information visit the WARM website or contact Kay Adamson (via the church office) who serves on the Witness Ministry.


WARM Thermal Shelter

Westminster started hosting the thermal shelter for men and women who are without a home for one week in December in 2015. The church provides a warm place to sleep along with three meals; dinner, breakfast and a bagged lunch.  Volunteers are needed for food, hospitality and overnight.  Please contact the church office to volunteer. Learn more about WARM’s programs


Disciples Kitchen
Disciples Kitchen is a non profit organization that provides lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-12:15 at Second Presbyterian Church in Waynesboro.  Churches in the area provides lunch teams to cook and provide hot meals to 40-50 adults, teens and children who attend the meal.  A devotion and prayer begin the lunch and seconds (if available) are provided at 12:15.  Westminster has two lunch teams.  If you would like to serve please contact Bobbie Bonar.
Visit Disciples Kitchen Website


Salvation Army Christmas Stockings
Each year Westminster fills Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army to distribute.  They review applicants, choose families they feel are needy and compile a master list of the ages and genders for whom they need stockings.  Each one we fill is earmarked for a specific child.  Each person who wants to help with this mission signs up and takes a stocking to be filled and returns the stocking to the church.  The Salvation Army includes some suggestions to get us started with shopping.  Every year the generous Westminster church family fills 10 to 12 % of the stockings given out. This is a wonderful way we share our many blessings with needy children in our area. Contact the church office for more information about Christmas Stockings.
Learn more about Salvation Army


Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Since 2015, Westminster has participated in the Red Kettle Campaign through the Salvation Army. Individuals and families sign up for 30 minute slots during the month of November and ring the bell outside of K-mart on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This is a great way to share the love of Christ on one of the busiest shopping days of the year! Contact Rev. April Cranford to participate this year.


Home Delivered Meals
Westminster volunteers to deliver meals for the Senior Center during one month during the year.  The church covers drivers for two routes for the whole month of August, Monday through Thursday.  Sign up sheets are available in the month of July at both worship services.  Grab a friend or family member and take an hour to help deliver hot meals to those in need in our community. Meals are picked up at the Senior Center around 10:45. The Senior Center has all the directions written down so you won’t get lost. If you have questions, contact the church office.

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Augusta Regional Clinic Meal for Volunteers
Each year, the witness ministry provides a dinner for those faithful volunteers at the Augusta Regional Clinic in Fishersville. Founded in 1993, the Augusta Regional Clinic (ARC), formerly the Augusta Regional Free Clinic (ARFC), provides a wide range of vital medical services to more than 1,800 patients a year. 79% of those served are working full or part time and all are at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level (currently $44,100 for a family of four.)

Services include:

  • Primary Care for those who cannot afford regular physician visits

  • Diagnostics (lab work, x-rays, MRI, etc. through Augusta Health)

  • Pharmacy (medications provided by a licensed, on-site pharmacist)

  • Referrals to specialists

  • Chronic Care (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)

  • Women’s and Men’s Health Programs

  • Wellness and Medical Education

Low and no-cost eyeglasses are also available, and dental services are provided through the Augusta Regional Dental Clinic. Residents of Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County may receive medical services provided they do not have health insurance and meet basic eligibility guideline.

Sewing Circle
The Sewing Circle was started in 2004 by Jan Bottemiller, Norma Lindsay, and Louise Sweet in order to make and distribute lap robes, wheelchair and walker bags for those who are homebound or in Nursing Homes.  More recently they have also been given to the W.A.R.M.  Shelter.  We complete an average of 75 quilts a year. The circle routinely sells their quilts to help fund their mission project. Making these gifts requires no special skills and provides an opportunity for good Christian Fellowship.  If you can cut, trim, pin, sew by hand or sewing machine contact the church office to learn more!


CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.  The CROP Walk starts and ends at Ridgeview Park on the fourth Sunday in September.  Contact Lloyd Dollins if you would like to participate in ending hunger through making a donation or walking this year.


Support of Waynesboro Woman’s Club Clothes Closet
Waynesboro Woman’s Club Clothes Closet is supported in part by Westminster. This is a free source of clothes for anyone in need and is operated on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 at the Waynesboro Church of the Brethren. Westminster has designated three collection boxes for donated items: the table near the choir room entrance, the colonnade near the elevator and the kitchen counter area in the office. For pick-up of items from your home, contact Andi Shifflett.


Food Bank Partnership

In 2020, Westminster partnered with First Presbyterian Church in support of their food bank. First Presbyterian's volunteers serve on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.  Westminster Presbyterian's volunteers serve on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Various Westminster folks serve at the food bank during the month either stocking shelves or directly handing out boxes and bags of food. The food ranges from frozen meats to canned goods. 


Click here to learn more about First Presbyterian's Food bank.


Refugee Sponsorship

Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC) and Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (GELC) welcomed the Congolese family to America on April 27, 2022. The family moved into their home on May 2, 2022. Alongside Church World Service, WPC and GELC are excited to help our new friends make Waynesboro their new home.

Contact a welcome team leader for ways to volunteer or more information.

For more information about serving God in the Church and in the World, please contact one of the members of the Witness Ministry.

Sewing Circle

5 Cents a Meal Offering
This offering is collected on the first Sunday of each month by our children, using a small red wagon. International and National Fund Hunger Mission through the  Shenandoah Presbytery receives 75 percent of the funds collected while 25 percent support local missions chosen by our Witness Ministry. Some local recipients have been Love INC, Uprising Outreach Center, First Presbyterian’s Food Pantry, Disciples’ Kitchen and Crop Walk.

Lenten Lunch
The Lenten Lunches, with an average attendance of 200 folks per week, take place annually during the season of Lent. Participating churches include Glen Kirk Presbyterian, First Presbyterian, First Baptist, Main Street Methodist, St. John the Evangelist Catholic and Westminster Presbyterian. Meal preparation and pastoral leadership responsibilities are rotated among the churches for this ecumenical community gathering consisting of fellowship, lunch and worship.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the Lenten Lunch at Westminster please contact Suzi Davis, or Norma Lindsay, Andi Shifflett.

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