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Witness Ministry

This group has a deep desire to be an active witness of Christ in our community, nation and world along with those who visit Westminster.  This team challenges us to all to get out of your comfort zone and share the love of Christ with people on the other side of the globe and people next door to us. To maximize our efforts, they coordinate what we can do with on-going efforts by Shenandoah Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA), and work with state and local agencies along with other Christian groups.  Currently the Witness Ministry supports the following ministries and organizations:


-Boy Scout Troop and Cub Pack 73 for over forty years
-Girl Scout Troop 349
-Summerlee Mission Trip in West Virginia since 1985
-Co Sponsor of a Room at the WARM Ruth’s House since 2015
-Host for a week of the Cold Thermal Shelter since 2015
-Disciples Kitchen
-Salvation Army Christmas Stockings
-Salvation Army Bell Ringing
-Homebound Meals for the month of August each year
-5 Cents a Meal Offering
-Augusta Regional Clinic Meal for Volunteers
-Support Haiti Mission Trip Participants
-Lenten Luncheon
-Sewing Circle
-Welcome Visitors
-Visitation to members who are homebound or in care facilities

Witness Ministry Members
Lindsey Coyner, Elder ('24)

Marti Elliott, Ministry Pilot (’22)

Kay Adamson
Andi Shifflett
Terry Team
River Cranford

Read more about the Witness Ministry by viewing the charter in Westminster's Operational Manual.

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