Christian Education at Westminster
For Adults
Westminster has a number of small groups that meet for prayer and mutual support of one another. We are always ready to begin new groups as we grow! Talk to the pastor or the Director of Christian Education about joining one of our existing groups, or explore the possibility of participating in a newly formed group.
Specific activities for adults include, but are not limited to: Bible study, Sunday school classes, small groups, WOW (Westminster on Wednesdays), music groups, seasonal & short term studies, Sewing circle, Tables of Eight.
For Young Adults
Our young adult ministry continues to grow and be a vibrant part of our church. The YA ministry includes the Young Adult Sunday school class (Sundays at 10:10 am) and our Wednesday night time of study and fellowship that meets following the family meal, and at the same time as the children and youth activities. Topics covered in recent small groups and classes have included The Gospel According to Pop Culture, faith based movie release studies, women’s topics and issues, and much more.
Specific activities for Young Adults include, but are not limited to: Sunday school class, Bible studies, women’s studies, WOW, music groups, and fellowship outings.
For Youth (ages 11-18)
Westminster offers a variety of programs and activities, enabling youth to connect in many ways at WPC. Specific activities include Youth Group, Sunday School, Senior High Bible Study, WOW night (which offers youth music and the Parable Players drama team), Confirmation class, camps and retreats, and the worship service usher team. Youth Ministry at WPC embraces events such as lock-ins, mission opportunities, games, field trips and fellowship events. The Senior High Bible study is designed for teens looking to dig deep into the scriptures and increase their overall Biblical knowledge….the Parable Players present skits in worship, and is open to grades 6-12…the music program includes youth choir, youth bells, and opportunities to offer solo music in worship.
For Children (ages 4-10)
Families will find a wide variety of ways to involve their children in the life of Westminster. Kids will love Sunday school each week, learning the wonderful stories in the Bible and starting all together for an Opening Assembly in our Social Hall led by Pastor April. They can also express themselves musically on Wednesday evenings through singing and Orff instruments during the WOW Ministry Program. Wednesday night WOW offers a time of food, fun, games, lessons and the occasional outreach field trip. Younger kids get a Children’s Time all to themselves during the worship service before participating in the Children’s Church program each Sunday. Additional opportunities include a seasonal children’s musical, a Christmas pageant, a Wednesday Mother’s Morning Out & Storytime program, field-trips and fellowship events.
Nursery (for children under 4)
A nursery with paid attendant on staff is available for our youngest ones on Sundays, during the WOW program, during choir rehearsals upon request, and at various other specified times, enabling parents to participate in church activities.
Confirmation Class with Mentors
Every other year, students in eighth and ninth grades enter a yearlong confirmation course on Sunday mornings to explore faith through scripture, activities, questions, mission and study. Confirmation begins with a mission trip and ends with sharing personal faith statements presented to the session. Mentors are members of the congregation who journey with students throughout the year. Students and Mentors attend at least one worship service of a different denomination/faith. Class is led by Rev. April Cranford.
WOW- Westminster on Wednesdays
WOW is our weekday learning and exploring option for all ages. The evening begins at 5:30 with dinner prepared by groups of volunteer WPC chefs. Following dinner, there is an organized activity for children, music and drama for teens, and a program for adults. Sessions for adults have included presentations by historians, authors, local ministries, community leaders, musicians and more. Join the church e-mail list to get weekly updates on programming.
Programming Specifics
Sunday School Classes & Teachers:
Preschool, Room #4
Alina McKibben, Sara Yoder
Kindergarten - 2nd, Room #6
Katrina Crawford
Grades 3rd - 5th, Room #7
Jennifer Kearney, Angela Wright
Middle School, Room #14
Katharine Gorsuch, Lisa Vailes, Sally Stout
High School, Room #144
Sammie Vailes, Jonathan Steck, Brad Yoder
Young Adult, Room #153
John Tindall
Faith & Life, Love Room: Reed Cranford
Discussion, Faith Room: Kathy Baker
Yancey Small Group, Music Ministry Office: Joyce Yancey
Piller Class (Spring 2020), Hope Room
Ken Piller, Terry Crow, Linda Ralston, Hugh Robertshaw
The Story, Loomis Room
Rev. April Cranford
NEW Bible Study during Sunday school hour will continue each Sunday morning through the month of May 2020. We will be using the book, The Story, which allows reading the Bible as a novel with thirty one chapters. Books are provided for the study for free or a $5 donation. Sign up or inquire more from Rev. April Cranford,
Weekly Small Groups:
Gillespie Group– 1st & 2nd Tuesday, 7:15 PM, Faith Room, Church Office
Share & Care Group– Tuesdays, 4:00 PM, Hope Room, Church Office
Shifflett Group– Thursdays, 6:15 PM, Hope Room, Church Office
Senior High Bible Studies— Mondays, 7:30 PM, Hope Room, Church Office
Lunch Time Book Club
Led by John Tindall, Ken Piller, and others.
Meets 1st Thursday of the month
This monthly book club will explore many of the classic, beloved and important Christian books ever written. Participants will choose the books based on a list provided. This is your opportunity to read many of those great books you always said you would read one day!
Prayer Group
Led by Rev. April Cranford and Pat Tuttle
Meets 2nd Thursday of the month
Using the book 50 Ways to Pray by Teresa Blythe, we will discover a different way to pray each month as we lift up concerns upon our heart for church, community and world.