Meet Our Red Door Worship Leader
Pat Cuomo
During this time of transition in music leadership, we welcome Pat Cuomo at the interim Worship leader for the Red Door service. Pat will serve from January – June as worship and personnel ministries work together in forming a plan for the Westminster worship services.
Growing up, Pat studied classical piano and took weekly lessons. After his studies, he began giving piano lessons to children and adults. He spent two years as a music major at York College of PA before turning his sights to education. Through his teaching career, Pat has been an elementary classroom teacher, technology resource teacher, and school administrator.
Pat has been involved in contemporary music ministry at various churches since 2007. He has served as a keyboard player and singer for 4 years in Richmond, VA, was a worship leader at Bethany Lutheran in Waynesboro, VA for 6 years, and has been a part of Refuge since 2018. Pat is married to Erin Cuomo, who works as an online English teacher serving children in China. The Cuomo Family (Meagan, Emmalynne, and Faith) has been attending Westminster since 2017 and has joined as members in 2019.